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    US Government Registered SBA Contractors
    CAGE 7RCL2 DUNS 02472992
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    Main characteristics :

    • Monitoring computer and full process robot control
    • Efficiency of decontamination permanently controlled
    • No harmful effects : no water, no steam, no odor, no reject, no radiation
    • Very fine and dry final output product, output weight less than input
    • No specialized manpower required

    Main characteristics :

    • Monitoring computer and full process robot control
    • Efficiency of decontamination permanently controlled
    • No harmful effects : no water, no steam, no odor, no reject, no radiation
    • Very fine and dry final output product, output weight less than input
    • No specialized manpower required

    Main characteristics :

    • Monitoring computer and full process robot control
    • Efficiency of decontamination permanently controlled
    • No harmful effects : no water, no steam, no odor, no reject, no radiation
    • Very fine and dry final output product, output weight less than input
    • No specialized manpower required